7 Simple Ways to Improve Computer Performance - Detail Steps7 Simple Ways to Improve Computer Performance - Detail Steps
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Computers play an essential role in our daily lives and having a slow and unresponsive computer can be frustrating. However, with a few easy tweaks, you can significantly improve the performance of your computer. In this article, we will explore seven simple ways to boost your computer’s performance and improve its overall speed and efficiency.

Why It is Important to Improve Computer Performance?

It is important to improve computer performance for several reasons:

  • Improved User Experience: A fast and efficient computer provides a better user experience and reduces frustration when working on tasks or playing games.
  • Increased Productivity: A well-performing computer allows you to complete tasks faster and more efficiently, increasing your overall productivity.
  • Better Security: Slow computers are more vulnerable to viruses and other forms of malware. Improving your computer’s performance can help protect your data and keep your personal information secure.
  • Longer Life Span: A well-maintained and optimized computer are likely to have a longer lifespan, reducing the need for costly upgrades and replacements.
  • Improved Multitasking: With improved performance, you can run multiple applications and programs simultaneously, making multitasking easier and more efficient.

In conclusion, improving computer performance is essential for better user experience, increased productivity, improved security, longer lifespan, and better multitasking abilities.

Top 7  Ways to Boost Your Computer’s Performance Easily

Follow the below listed 7 tips to ensure better computer performance:

1. Remove Unnecessary Software Applications

One of the biggest causes of slow performance on a computer is the presence of unnecessary software applications. Many times, these programs run in the background and consume system resources, slowing down your computer. To improve performance, it’s a good idea to regularly review the programs installed on your computer and remove any that you no longer need.

How to Remove Unnecessary Software Applications?

Here are the steps to remove unnecessary software applications:

  1. Go to the Start menu and click on Control Panel.
  2. Select “Programs and Features” or “Apps and Features.”
  3. Browse the list of installed applications.
  4. Right-click on an application you want to remove and select “Uninstall.”
  5. Follow the prompts to complete the removal process.
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 for any other unnecessary applications.
  7. Restart your computer to complete the process.

It is important to remove unused or unnecessary software applications to free up storage space, improve computer performance, and reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities.

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2. Minimize the Programs that Run on Startup

When you start your computer, many programs start automatically, even if you don’t need them. This can slow down your computer’s boot time and consume system resources. To minimize the impact of these programs, you can go to your Task Manager and disable the programs that you don’t need to run at startup.

How to Minimize the Programs that Run on Startup?

Here are the steps to minimize the programs that run on startup:

  1. Press Windows Key + R on your keyboard.
  2. Type “msconfig” in the Run dialog box and press Enter.
  3. Go to the “Startup” tab.
  4. Uncheck any programs that you don’t want to start automatically when your computer boots up.
  5. Click “Apply” and then “OK.”
  6. Restart your computer to complete the process.

Minimizing the programs that run on startup can help improve computer performance by reducing the amount of memory and resources being used when your computer boots up.

3. Check for Viruses and Spyware

Viruses and spyware can slow down your computer and cause performance issues. Regularly running a virus scan and keeping your anti-virus software up to date is an important step in maintaining the health and performance of your computer.

How to Check for Viruses and Spyware?

Here are the steps to check for viruses and spyware:

  1. Install reputable antivirus software: Choose an antivirus software that is regularly updated and has a good reputation in the market.
  2. Update your antivirus software: Make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date to ensure it can detect the latest threats.
  3. Run a full scan: Schedule a full scan of your computer to check for any viruses or spyware. A full scan can take some time, so it’s best to run it when you don’t need to use your computer.
  4. Remove any detected threats: If your antivirus software finds any threats, follow its instructions to remove them.
  5. Keep your software updated: Keep your operating system and other software up-to-date to reduce the risk of future infections.
  6. Be cautious when downloading files: Be careful when downloading files from the internet, especially if you are unsure of their source.

Checking for viruses and spyware is important to protect your personal information and data, and to maintain the performance of your computer. Regular scans and updates of your antivirus software can help prevent future infections.

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4. Add more RAM to Your PC

Adding more RAM is an effective way to improve computer performance, especially for heavy users who run multiple applications at the same time. With more RAM, your computer can handle more applications and data without slowing down.

How to Add more RAM to Your PC?

Here are the steps to add more RAM to your PC:

  1. Determine the type of RAM: Check the specifications of your computer to determine the type of RAM it uses. The most common types are DDR3 and DDR4.
  2. Determine the maximum amount of RAM: Check the specifications of your computer to determine the maximum amount of RAM it can support.
  3. Purchase the RAM: Purchase the RAM modules from a reputable supplier and make sure they are compatible with your computer.
  4. Open your computer: Carefully follow the instructions to open your computer and access the RAM slots.
  5. Remove old RAM: Remove any old RAM modules and replace them with new modules.
  6. Secure the RAM: Secure the new RAM modules into place and close your computer.
  7. Boot up your computer: Boot up your computer and check the amount of RAM that is now available.

Adding more RAM to your computer can improve its performance by allowing it to handle more applications and data simultaneously. It can also reduce the time required to load applications and improve the overall responsiveness of your computer.

5. Consider Cleaning up Your Disc

Over time, your hard drive can become cluttered with temporary files, system files, and other junk data. This can slow down your computer and cause performance issues. To improve performance, it’s a good idea to regularly run disk cleanup and delete any unnecessary files.

How to Clean Up Your Disc?

Here are the steps to clean up your disc:

  1. Delete unnecessary files: Go through your hard drive and delete any files that you no longer need. This can include old documents, photos, and videos.
  2. Uninstall unused programs: Go to your Control Panel and uninstall any programs that you no longer use.
  3. Run disk cleanup: Windows has a built-in disk cleanup tool that can be used to remove temporary files, system files, and other files that are taking up space. To run disk cleanup, press Windows Key + X and select “Disk Cleanup.”
  4. Defragment your hard drive: Defragmenting your hard drive rearranges the data on your hard drive to make it more organized. To defragment your hard drive, press Windows Key + X and select “Defragment and Optimize Drives.”
  5. Use a third-party cleaning tool: There are many third-party cleaning tools available that can be used to remove junk files, temporary files, and other data that is taking up space on your hard drive.

Cleaning up your hard drive can improve the performance of your computer by freeing up space and making your hard drive more organized. This can also reduce the time required to load applications and improve the overall responsiveness of your computer.

6. Get a Startup SSD

If you’re still using a traditional hard drive, consider upgrading to a solid-state drive (SSD). SSDs are faster and more reliable than traditional hard drives, and they can significantly improve the performance of your computer.

How to Get a Startup SSD?

Here are the steps to get a startup SSD:

  1. Determine the type of SSD: Check the specifications of your computer to determine the type of SSD it can support. The most common types are SATA and NVMe.
  2. Determine the capacity: Decide on the capacity of the SSD you need based on the amount of data you have and the amount of storage space you need.
  3. Purchase the SSD: Purchase the SSD from a reputable supplier and make sure it is compatible with your computer.
  4. Back up your data: Before replacing your hard drive, make sure to back up all of your important data to an external hard drive or cloud storage service.
  5. Open your computer: Carefully follow the instructions to open your computer and access the hard drive.
  6. Replace the hard drive: Remove the old hard drive and replace it with the new SSD.
  7. Reinstall the operating system: Reinstall the operating system on the new SSD and restore your data from the backup.

Getting a startup SSD can significantly improve the performance of your computer by providing faster boot times, faster application load times, and improved overall responsiveness. An SSD is also more reliable than a traditional hard drive and generates less heat, which can help extend the life of your computer.

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7. Check Your Web Browser

Your web browser can have a significant impact on your computer’s performance. If you’re using an older browser or one that’s not optimized for your computer, it can slow down your computer and cause performance issues. To improve performance, it’s a good idea to regularly check for updates and upgrade to the latest version of your browser.

How to Check Your Web Browser?

  • Check browser version: Make sure that you have the latest version of your web browser installed. This can be done by going to the browser’s “Help” menu and selecting “About [Browser Name].”
  • Clear browser cache: Over time, your browser cache can become cluttered with temporary files, which can slow down your browsing experience. To clear the cache, go to the browser’s “Settings” or “Options” menu and look for “Privacy” or “History.”
  • Disable extensions: If you have installed many browser extensions, they can slow down your browsing experience. To disable extensions, go to the browser’s “Settings” or “Options” menu and look for “Extensions.”
  • Check for malware: If your browser is running slow, it is possible that your computer is infected with malware. Use an anti-virus software to scan your computer and remove any malware that is found.
  • Reset the browser: If you have tried all of the above steps and your browser is still running slow, you may need to reset it. To reset your browser, go to the browser’s “Settings” or “Options” menu and look for “Reset.”

By checking your web browser, you can improve its performance and ensure that you are able to browse the web quickly and efficiently.


Improving the performance of your computer is not a difficult task. With a few simple steps, you can remove unnecessary software, add more RAM, and check your web browser to improve your computer’s speed and efficiency. Try these tips today and experience the difference a faster and more responsive computer can make.

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